Third Printing Corrections

This page lists corrections to the third or fourth printing  (reads "3rd printing 2015" or "4th printing 2015") on imprint page) 


Important corrections (Errors in derivations or results)

None so far.

Minor corrections (Unimportant errors in equations)


p. 20, Eq. (2.65): There should be a factor of volume “V” multiplying the “½” in the Hamiltonian. Same correction applies to Eqs. (2.79), (2.96), (15.3) and (15.4).
p. 49, Eq (4.16): The factors of “e” should not be there in any of the terms.
p. 50, Eq (4.18): The factor of “e/2” after the first = sign should not be there.
p. 138, Problem 8.4: This problem is extremely difficult. See Greiner and Reinhardt “Field Quantization” Chapter 7 for a solution. A more reasonable problem is to calculate the propagator for a photon in a physical gauge, such as axial gauge, A0 = 0.
p. 149 Eq. (9.42) and p. 150 Eqs. (9.44) and (9.45): There is a missing factor of (2π)4 on the right-hand side of all of these equations.
p. 179, Eq. (10.131): The matrix in this equation should be negated to be consistent with Eq. (10.134). That is, the top row should be 0 -1 and the bottom row 1 0.
p. 181, Problem 10.1(b): The expression “(HD + e A0)2” should be “(HD - e A0)2”.
p. 187, in the definition of "Helicity", the factor of "S" in the denominator should be a lowercase "s". That is, helicity eigenstates are defined by \(\frac{\vec{S} \cdot \vec{p}}{s |\vec{p}|} \Psi = \pm \Psi\).
p. 196, Discussion of intrinsic parities in Section 11.5.1 could be clearer. Here is a revised discussion.
p. 201,Line after Eq. (11.90): There should be a minus sign in the transformation of Aμ. That is, CPT sends, Aμ(x) -> - Aμ(-x).
p. 201, Eq. (11.91): There should be no i in the ψAψ term.
p. 221, Eq. (12.81): There should be no factor of “i” in the definition of D1 on the last line.
p. 264, Eq. (14.62): There is a missing factor of “Z0[0]” on both terms on the right hand side of the first equality. That is, “1/Z[0]” should be “Z0[0]/Z[0]” in two places.
p. 278, Eq. (14.132): The “+m” in the Dirac Lagrangian should be “-m”.
p. 278, First line below Eq. (114.132): “... represent any globally symmetric terms.” should be “... represent any locally symmetric terms.”.
p. 283 Problem 14.1: There are a few mistakes in Eq. (14.158). Corrections as follows:
Reads in third printing:
Should read:
p. 301, 3rd line of paragraph beginning “In Section 15.4…”: The inline equation should be “< φ4 > = − λ − ..” rather than “< φ 4 > = λ − ..”.
p. 324, First paragraph: The diagrams vanish, but not because there are an odd number of γ matrices. More simply, they must be proportional to the photon momentum, but Lorentz invariance (it is the only 4-vector around), but this momentum must vanish, by momentum conservation.
p. 334, Problem 16.3c: This problem should be asking about the total rate for π+π- → τ+τ- not π+π- → e+e-.
p. 336, First line on page: “with residue i” should not be there.
p. 344, First line after Eq. (19.34): There is an extra factor of p4 in the definition of Π(p2). The line should read: “Π(p2) is defined as the coefficient of i/p2 (-g μν − pμ pν/p2)” as it is on p. 349, second paragraph.
p. 346, Eq. (19.43): me should be mR.
p. 380, Eq. (20.44): Tr [ q1 S q2 S] should be Tr[ p3 S p4 S], as in Eq. (20.43).
p. 419: Eq. (23.3): The numerator on the right hand side should have written “eR2Π(p2) - δ3” instead of “eR2Π(p2)”.
p. 427, Eq. (23.31): The power of the β2 term should be 3, not 2.
p. 447, Fig. 23.2: The x-axis in the figure should have positive numbers (0.5, 0.55, etc.). Also the caption should read “... the value of λ6 (ΛL) goes to a constant value, entirely set by λ4 (ΛL) … “ instead of “... the value of λ6 (Λ) goes to a constant value, entirely set by λ4 (Λ) … “.
p. 457, Eq. (24.30): There is a missing factor of “i” on the left-hand side (“M” should be “i M”). Eq. (24.31) still follows, as it is the imaginary part of i times the Feynman propagator to which Eq. (24.25) applies.
p. 458, Eq. (24.34): There is a missing factor of (2π)4 on the right-hand side.
p. 459, Eq. (24.39): A factor of (2π)4δ4(p - q1 - q2)” is missing from the right-hand side.
p. 459, Eq. (24.40): The first factor of “δ(q22)” should be “δ(q12)”
p. 471, Eq. (24.85): The first line should be evaluated at t=0 after the derivative is taken.
p. 471, Eq. (24.86): The left hand side should be integrated over x, rather than p. That is
Reads in third printing:
Should read:
pp. 503-505: All instances of “N” should be “n” in this section. That is, W(N) should be W(n), A(N) should be A(n), etc.. The exception is the factor of N in the denominator in Eqs. (25.133) and (25.134) which are N=Nc, the number of colors. These N’s really are N’s.
p. 515, Above Eq. (25.27): Summing over colors gives Tr[TaTa] = N CF, not just CF as written. The extra factor of N is already included in the sum over colors at tree-level, so Eq. (26.27) is correct.
p. 524, Eq. (26.70): The -½ on the first line should be a -1, as in Eq. (19.54).
p. 532: The factors of “i E T” on the left-hand sides of Eqs. (26.113), (26.114) and (26.116) should be  “- i E T”. The  “e i H T” factor in Eq. (26.113) should be “e -i H T”. Also, below Eq. (26.116), it should be “E = - e2/4πR = V(R)”  instead of “E =  e2/4πR = V(R)”.
p. 538, Eq. (27.19): The σ’s in this equation should be barred.
p. 571, Eq. (28.31): One of the currents should have †. That is, “JμLJμL” should be “JμL†JμL”.
p. 571, Eq. (28.32): In the second term on the right-hand side, “γμγ5” should be “γμ (1-γ5)”.
p. 571, 4th line after Eq. (28.35): The transformation law for M should be “M → gR M gL” instead of “M → gL M gR”.
p. 581, Eq. (28.62): The left hand side should have “G[Aμ + Dμ, π − α]” instead o f “G[Aμ - Dμ, π − α]”. Also, on the right-hand side, “mA” should be squared in both instances.
p. 581, Eq. (28.64): The sign of the ghost mass term is wrong. The expression “-ξ mA2” in the last term should be “+ξ mA2
pp. 503-505: All instances of “N” should be “n” in this section. That is, W(N) should be W(n), A(N) should be A(n), etc.. The exception is the factor of N in the denominator in Eqs. (25.133) and (25.134) which are N=Nc, the number of colors. These N’s really are N’s.
p. 515, Above Eq. (25.27): Summing over colors gives Tr[TaTa] = N CF, not just CF as written. The extra factor of N is already included in the sum over colors at tree-level, so Eq. (26.27) is correct.
p. 524, Eq. (26.70): The -½ on the first line should be a -1, as in Eq. (19.54).
p. 532: The factors of “i E T” on the left-hand sides of Eqs. (26.113), (26.114) and (26.116) should be  “- i E T”. The  “e i H T” factor in Eq. (26.113) should be “e -i H T”. Also, below Eq. (26.116), it should be “E = - e2/4πR = V(R)”  instead of “E =  e2/4πR = V(R)”.
p. 538, Eq. (27.19): The σ’s in this equation should be barred.
p. 571, Eq. (28.31): One of the currents should have †. That is, “JμLJμL” should be “JμL†JμL”.
p. 571, Eq. (28.32): In the second term on the right-hand side, “γμγ5” should be “γμ (1-γ5)”.
p. 571, 4th line after Eq. (28.35): The transformation law for M should be “M → gR M gL” instead of “M → gL M gR”.
p. 581, Eq. (28.62): The left hand side should have “G[Aμ + Dμ, π − α]” instead o f “G[Aμ - Dμ, π − α]”. Also, on the right-hand side, “mA” should be squared in both instances.
p. 581, Eq. (28.64): The sign of the ghost mass term is wrong. The expression “-ξ mA2” in the last term should be “+ξ mA2
p. 586, Eq. (29.9): There is a factor of 2 missing and a few signs are wrong. Correction as follows:
Reads in third printing:

   Should Read:

image 6

  p. 590, Eq. (29.27): The 1/v should be v.
  p. 591, Eq. (29.28): “v2” on the right should be “½ v2”.
  p. 591, Eq (29.32): The “(t-mh2)” term in the denominator on the far right-hand side should not be squared.
  p. 593, Eq. (29.36): The “g” on the far right on the first line, multiplying “YL B” should be a “g’”.
  p. 600, Above Eq. (29.64): The expression for “ψR” should have a minus sign in the top component: “ψR = ( −iσ2 νR , νR)”.
  p. 604, The fermions should have “L” superscripts in the first term in square brackets on the right-hand side.
  p. 605, Second line: The process listed should be “s -> d e+e-”.
  p. 605, Eq. (29.81): T3 was not applied. Correction as follows:

Reads in third printing:
Should read:
p. 607, Eq. (29.90): There should be no overall minus sign on the right-hand side.
p. 612, Eq. (29.109): The middle expression is incorrect. Instead of the factor of “2 ms” in the numerator, there should be a factor of “(2ms - mu - md)” in the denominator.
p. 627, Eq. (30.53): A term “½ (QR3 +QL3)MVαμν” should be added to the right-hand side.
p. 635, second paragraph: The last two sentences from this paragraph, “If such a gauge boson exists ... be very heavy (> 1016 GeV).” should be deleted.
p. 637, Eq. (30.93): The “a” superscripts on the last two F’s should be “b”’s.
p. 636, paragraph after Eq. (30.89), next to last line: The current experimental bound on the strong CP phase is “θ < 10−10”, not “θ < 10−12”.
pp. 712-732. There were a number of sign errors and small typos in Sections 3.4, 3.5 and Appendix A of Chapter 33. A revised Chapter 33 is here.
p. 820, Eq. (A.42): The indices on the right hand side should be μναβ in order, as on the right-hand side.
p. 832, Eq. (B.60): In the second line of this equation, the denominators should have + signs, not - signs. That is, they should be “(kE2 + m2)2” and “(kE2 + Λ2)2”.

Typos (Superficial formatting issues)

p. 136, Eq. (8.139): The “v” on the second line should be a “ν”.
p. 160, Eq. (10.13): The summation symbol should be outside the square brackets.
p. 180, Eq. (10.133): The “a” in “ε” should be an “α”.
p. 182, Problem 10.1(f): There should be no arrow on top of H on the first line of the page.
p. 182, Problem 10.1(h), 4th line: “... are all me times powers …” should be “... are all me-1 times powers …”. Also “time-dependent” should be “time-independent”.
p. 191. Eq. (11.32): The * on the first epsilon should be removed.
p. 183, Table 10.1: “describing” is misspelt.
p. 200, Eq. (11.83): The bar over the x on the left hand side should be an arrow.
p. 201, Eq. (11.91): The last term (ψσμνψFμν ) should not have an “i”.
p. 202, Problem 11.6. This problem has generated some confusion. A cleaner version would be: (a) Use the left and right chirality projection operators to show that the QED vertex vanishes unless ψ and its conjugate are both left-handed or both right-handed. And (d) Suppose we take a spin-up electron going in the +z direction and turn it around carefully with electric fields so that now it goes in the -z direction but is still spin up. Has its helicity or chirality flipped (or both)? How is your answer consistent with part (a)?
p. 218, Eqs. (12.66), (12.67) and (12.68): The “d3q” should be replaced by “d3p”.
p. 249, Problem 13.6(d): Ni59 should be Ni60 in two places (as in Problem 11.6(f) on p. 202). Also, C (Carbon) should be Co (Cobalt).
p. 280, Eq. (14.146), The “p” in the argument of M on the left hand side should be omitted.
p. 310, First line of Section 16.3.1: “|p2| << m” should be “|p2| << m2”.
p. 315, above Eq. (17.2): Missing parenthesis. "i Dslash - m)" should be "(i Dslash - m)".
p. 321, Problem 17.1 (b): The values for (g-2)/2 have the decimal place in the wrong spot. 0.0011659208 and 0.0011659182 for the experiment and theory values, respectively. The uncertainties are correct.
p. 322, Second paragraph, 4th line: “ logarithmic weakening of the Coulomb potential at large distances” should be “ logarithmic strengthening of the Coulomb potential at short distances.”
p. 329, Below Eq. (18.14): Reference to Chapter 9 should be a reference to Chapter 16.
p. 332, Line below Eq. (18.42): Only condition (18.40) is required to define the pole mass.
p. 339, Third paragraph: reference to Chapter 15 should be to Chapter 16.
p. 339, Eq. (19.1): The first ψ should have a bar over it.
p. 345, Five lines before Eq. (19.39): δ3 should be δ1.
p. 353, Below Eq. (19.82): F1 (0) = 1 sets δ1 and Σ′ (mR)=0 sets δ2, not vice versa as written.
p. 413, Eq. (22.59): m and M should be switched in the denominators on the second line.
p. 460, Eq. (24.44): The μ and ν indices on the final two p’s should be should be interchanged. Also, the sum on the left hand side should be over i and the second epsilon should have a ν index.
p. 502, Second line below Eq. (25.120): It should read “rμΠμνabaxial = 0”. The “=0” is missing.
p. 566, Eq. (28.15): The variation should be ∂L/ ∂(∂μ π) instead of just ∂L/∂μ π.
p. 571, Eq. (28.33) and the line above Eq. (28.33): It should be “π → μ νμ” not “π → μ νe” in both cases (as in Eq. (23.34)).
p. 582, 5th line from bottom: “E>> m2” should be “E>> m”.
p. 602, Third paragraph: Reactor neutrinos are mostly electron anti-neutrinos and accelerator neutrinos are mostly muon neutrinos (not the other way around, as written).
p. 603, Eq. (29.74): One of the neutrinos should be an anti-neutrino.
p. 612, line after Eq. (29.111): There is an extra |dN|. That is, “|dN| < |dN| < 2.9 x 10-26 …” should be simply “|dN| < 2.9 x 10-26 …”.
p. 614, Last paragraph: Maximal means δ = π/2 not δ = π as written.  
p. 627, Eq. (30.53): The “ 1/2 (QR3 - QL3 ) M5αμν” term on the right-hand side should have “ 1/2 (QR3+ QL3 ) MVαμν” added to it.
p. 633, Eq. (30.79): The “A(R)dabc” on the right hand side should be “½ A(R)dabc”.



Minor correction on p. 49, 50: Thanks to Sho.
Minor correction on p. 138, Thanks to Stefano.
Minor correction on p. 149, Thanks to Ken.
Minor correction on p. 179, Thanks to Luca.
Minor correction on p. 181, Thanks to Heshy.
Minor corrections on p. 201, Thanks to Oliver.
Minor corrections on p. 221, Thanks to Hongbin.
Minor correction on p. 264, Thanks to Allan.
Minor correction on p. 278, 336 Thanks to Enrico.
Minor correction on p. 278, Thanks to Sahand.
Minor correction on p. 324, Thanks to Christopher
Minor correction on p. 344, 346 Thanks to Andrea.
Minor correction on p. 380, 447, 471, 503-505, 524, 538, 591, 593, 600, 605, 633, Thanks to Hwang.
Minor correction on p. 427, Thanks to Jeff.
Minor corrections on p. 301, 457, 458, 459, Thanks to Ken.
Minor correction on p. 515,590 Thanks to Joon.
Minor corrections on p. 571, 581 Thanks to Yoon.
Minor correction on p. 591, Thanks to Jong.
Minor correction on p. 591, Thanks to Wim.
Minor correction on p. 612, Thanks to Kit.
Minor correction on p. 636, Thanks to Johar.
Minor correction on p. 832, Thanks to Kari.

Typo on p. 136, 191, 200, 201, 460, Thanks to Ken.
Typo on p. 160, Thanks to Andrea.
Typo on p. 163, 182, 315, 339: Thanks to Eric.
Typo on p. 180, Thanks to Luca.
Typo on p. 218, 280: Thanks to Sahand.
Typo on p. 310, 321 Thanks to Kari.
Typo on p. 329, Thanks to Scott.
Typo on p. 332, Thanks to Enrico.
Typo on p. 339, Thanks to Kevin.
Typo on p. 353, Thanks to Michele.
Typo on p. 413, 502, 582. Thanks to Hwang.
Typo on p. 460, Thanks to Yair.
Typo on p. 566, Thanks to Jong.
Typo on p. 589, Thanks to Fotis.
Typo on p. 602, Thanks to Gleb.